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Well, the end of March didn't go out with a whimper. We were treated to a varied mix of weather for our run out to Cobble Hey.

Setting off from Springwood Car Park in the bright spring sunshine, we knew we were in for a mixed day, but were hoping for the best. Six of us rode out through Whalley and Mitton before heading over Hodder Bridge, up through Chaigley, around Longridge Fell, and up to Chipping.

Carrying on through Bleasdale, the weather took a change, waterproofs were donned, but we carried on regardless, battling rain and hail.  By the time we got to Cobble Hey, however, it had cleared up and we had started to dry out..

We were joined at Cobble Hey by Ray, Jim and Jackie, who had started out late, but had battled the elements to catch up.

It rained again over lunch, but seemed fine when we left on our route to Longridge. We were mistaken, we now had to endure rain and thunder almost until Longridge, when the sun again made an appearance.

Heading down to Ribchester, turning left once over the Ribble, and up our favourite hill, we were met by a glorious view of Pendle Hill in the distance. Bathed in sunshine and covered in hail, under low fluffy white clouds and an ontherwise clear blue sky.

It all goes to show, we can still have a great ride, whatever the weather.
